GSR – General Service Representative

Welcome new GSRs.  We are glad you are taking a step into service.

We invite all GSRs to the monthly GSR Sharing Session beginning at 6:00 PM prior to the District 5 business meeting.  Here you can gather information which will help you to carry the message and understand your role as a GSR.  

The District 5 business meeting is held the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM – See calendar for meeting location.

GSR Orientation Packet

Click here to view the District 5 GSR Orientation Packet

Click here to view a GSR Report Sample with instructions on how to use the template


  1. What Does a GSR Do?
  2. The 12 Traditions Illustrated
  3. Understanding Anonymity
  4. Where Does Your Group’s Money Go? (Where money and spirituality meet)
  5. The Service Structure of AA
  6. Traditions Checklist for Your AA Group
  7. What Does Your DCM Do?
  8. The 12 Concepts Illustrated
  9. Concept Checklist for Your District
10. AA Service Manual

DCM – District Committee Member

The DCM Committee is comprised of all the District Committee members representing the groups in District 5. If you are interested in information about what we do, please feel free to email us. DCMs meet monthly at the Intergroup office at 7pm on the first Tuesday of the month.


The DCM Committee is composed of a Chairperson, who through Current Practice, is the District 5 Alternate District Chairperson, and up to twelve District Committee Members and up to twelve Alternate District Committee Members 
(The current formula used to determine the number of DCM and Alternates is one DCM to every eight Groups in District 5) 


To provide a forum for discussion on enhancing Group communication within District 5. To serve in such a capacity as to aid Groups in solving internal problems through monthly GSR sharing sessions. By attending Group business meetings. By providing information to Groups via A.A. literature resources, and informing Groups on how to apply the principles of the Twelve Traditions in all Group affairs. By carrying the message of A.A. to all interested members by holding annual or bi-annual Service Fairs or Carry the Message days. Voting for the best interest of those Groups who do not have a GSR at Area 15 Service Assemblies. Educating all interested A.A. members on the principle behind the A.A. Seventh Tradition and informing how A.A. members can contribute to A.A. both as Groups and as individuals.


The DCM Committee holds monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of every month to discuss current issues and needs of District 5, based on the Group conscience of the Committee members. The Chairperson facilitates the meeting. The Committee provides the topic for each GSR sharing session held one hour before the monthly District 5 business meeting, except the month before each Area 15 Quarterly Assembly. DCM are required to attend each Area 15 Quarterly Assembly as part of their service commitment, and to attend the Sunday business meeting of Area 15 as a voting member of District 5 and to be on the floor of the meeting by starting time. Each is requested to report back to District 5 any information that will help improve the level of service to A.A. in District 5 by both written and oral report.