Current Practices

If you are interested in becoming an active member of the Current Practices Committee or are interested in information about what we do, please feel free to email us at


  • Chairperson is the immediate past District 5 Chairperson. If extenuating circumstances prevent the past chair from serving, or if the position is vacated, the qualifications are 5 years sobriety, 2 years’ service as a DCM or Standing Committee Chair in District 5, and ability to attend District monthly meetings.
  • Other AA members may volunteer to serve on the committee or are selected by the Chairperson.
  • The current District 5 Chairperson is an ex-officio member of the Committee.
  • Chairperson is funded one-night lodging and $30 to attend the South Florida Area 15 Assemblies, if funds are needed and if available.
  • Chairperson reports both orally and in writing to the District 5 body at monthly District 5 business meetings. The report will be included in the District 5 minutes.

Chairperson may make motions for consideration at monthly District 5 meetings.


  • Updates the Book of Motions and the Book of Current Practices quarterly.
  • Updates the Trusted Servants Legacy of Service prior to Elections in October of even number years.
  • Each Committee’s Legacy of Service is updated by each Standing Committee as necessary, is maintained by the Current Practices Committee and posted on the Committee pages of the website. (M337)


  • Meets as necessary throughout the year, but generally only toward the end of the even numbered years to review any updates necessary for the Current Practice folder.
  • E-mails the District 5 Website Chairperson an updated Book of Motions and Book of Current Practice on a Quarterly basis. (M320)
  • Provides newly elected District Officers, a printed binder with the Legacy of Service, Book of Motions and District 5 Current Practice folder as close to the beginning of the odd number years as possible.
  • Chairperson presents annual budget request to District 5 Finance Chairperson at October business meeting each year.